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Super-8 film on video, 11.39 min., 2019​


A lyrical treasure hunt through the west on super 8 film

In 2010 Santa Fe art collector, art dealer and local cowboy Forrest Fenn was diagnosed with cancer. In order to leave his legacy and in an effort to get people out in nature, he hid a treasure worth 2 million dollars somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. He wrote a complex poem with clues to the treasure and published it in a memoir called “The Thrill of the Chase”, which prompted thousands of people around the nation to explore the mountains in search of treasure.
Fast forward to 2019, Forrest beat his cancer and people are still searching for his treasure —yet despite the dedication of the searchers, the secret has yet to be found.

This film is a poetic telling of the search from an outsider’s perspective (me). I wanted to explore different modes of storytelling, incorporating my interests in super 8 film, adventure, and poetry in one work. Although I didn’t try very hard to locate the treasure myself while in New Mexico
filming, I did get to meet the old cowboy himself, and experience the little thrills of the landscape.

There’s magic in the mountains and in the feeling you get while sitting in a dark movie theater. I hope this film does something similar to you.

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